3 Questions To Get You Through Difficult Times And Connect You To What’s Real


What Is This Episode About…

In this episode of The Awakened Life Podcast, Chris and John discuss the 3 questions that help you get to the core of who you are, what you want in life, and how you can serve.

One of the greatest Yoga teachers, Patanjali, said that whenever we are solely identified with our ego, we bind ourselves to the things that do not have a permanent reality. These things may be our jobs, relationships, bodies, or material possessions, which then lead us to a sea of distress, unhappiness, and illness. Remembering the real you is not trapped in these things is the key to real joy and freedom.

To find our real selves, we need to answer these three powerful questions. Who am I? What do I want? and How can I serve? When you are able to answer these three questions, you get in touch with your spirit, which is the true goal of Yoga. These three questions shift your internal reference point from ego to spirit.

Click Play on this episode to learn more about how you can answer these three questions to you’re your real self and shift from ego to spirit?

Key Takeaways

  • What are you identifying with? Are you identifying with that will lead to suffering (07:07)
  • Getting in touch with your spirit is the true goal of Yoga (09:25)
  • The three questions that shift your internal reference point from ego to spirit (10:03)
  • If it can be taken away from you, it’s not you (10:20)
  • Are you adrift in your life without a destination (11:19)
  • When we get aligned with what we want, we see a bigger grander vision of our lives (12:32)
  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others (14:22)
  • How this simple but powerful exercise can change your life (15:56)

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When Was It Released…

This episode was released September 16, 2020

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