Blog - Page 9 of 13 - Yax Yoga Concepts


Practice Makes Perfect… Or Does It?

Have you ever reached a point in your life, favorite hobby, sport, etc., that just felt like, “this is it”?


Conquer Self Doubt and Get What You Want Out of Life!

  The biggest reasons we don’t do the things we want to is because of self doubt.


Are You Heading Your Life in the Right Direction?

  If you’ve ever stopped and thought, “How did I get here?”, you’re not alone!


Are You Singing YOUR Song, or Someone Else’s?

The pressures to live a certain way come from everywhere: our family, friends, church, society in general, etc.


Help, I’m Stressed!

  Did you know that 90% of doctors’ visits are due to stress related illnesses? It’s astronomical. Luckily for us, we don’t have to live our lives this way. Read on to learn how you can kick your stress habit to the curb.


What To Do When You Are Out Of Control

  One of the things that can cause the most stress in everyday life are situations where you feel like you’re completely out of control. If this sounds like you, read on for your solution.


What To Do When Your Mind Becomes Your Frenemy.

  The mind is a beautiful, amazing tool able to create so many things and come up with so many wonderful ideas and thoughts. Just think about it: every human creation in existence, was once just a thought in someone’s head. Mic drop. However, we’ve all had a time when our minds weren’t exactly our […]


The Importance of Movement in Yoga

  When you think of yoga, the first thing that pops into your head is probably a commercialized version of yoga. You know, a woman on a yoga mat doing all these complicated movements to the soothing sound of birds chirping in the distance. Ahhhh, sound familiar? Idyllic even.


Why Am I So Tired? How To Have An Energized Morning.

Do you ever wake up in the morning and your energy levels are just through the floor?     Does it take everything you’ve got just to get up out of bed and do what you need to do?  Does it take an entire pot of coffee to just get you going? If you found […]


How Yoga Will Help You Master Your Life.

We each have a choice in any given situation and those choices define how we see the situation. This can change your life, friends. Read on to learn how!