

I Believe!!!

I Believe: -We are powerful beyond measure. -We can deliberately create the life we want to live. -Love is the primal intelligence that creates and sustains all life. -In helping people wake up, I am fulfilling my life purpose. -The key to true happiness is accessible in every moment. -We are our own worse critics […]


Yoga Teacher Training – Real Time Teaching Experiencere

The Richmond Teacher Trainees did amazing with their first real time teaching experience. They taught an entire Step from beginning to end and it was not an easy experience. They had to teach all their fellow trainees while Chris and John watched and hung on every word, writing down anything that needed to be critiqued. […]


Thank You Virginia and Hot Asana

Thank You Virginia Gallagher and all the teachers and students of Hot Asana for welcoming us with open arms. We had an amazing time and loved sharing our humble teachings of Peace and Happiness. We thank you all from our entire hearts and will see you all again soon. Deep Blessings The Yax Brothers


How Do You Get Your Calcium?

Got Leafy Greens? My wife and I were talking to a Registered Nurse and the question came up “So if you don’t use dairy at all, how do you get your calcium?” This is the common question for those who get their information from mass media. We are bombarded by ads that tell us how […]


To Juice…Or Not To Juice…

To Juice or not to Juice, this is the debate amongst health practitioners. I have raw-foody friends that say “no” to juicing, and I have vegan friends that say “yes” to juicing. So what gives??? The question comes down to nutrients versus fiber. When we juice veggies, we get lots of nutrients but we get […]