Happy Graduation Richmond 200HR Yoga Teacher Training


Many months ago a group of Yogis and Yoginis came together to begin a journey. A journey to find Truth. This journey was not easy. There were many obstacles. Many times the path forward seemed to go back. Times when the path into the light seemed dark. In these times, the group supported each other. These strong souls became one powerful force moving forward with determination and courage. Alone we may stumble, but together we can move mountains. They knew their intention. It is the greatest intention we as human beings can create. To be of service. To help humanity wake from the maze of the mind. With open hearts and calm clear minds, these truth seekers have become powerful teachers of this discipline called Yoga. I bless them on their journeys as they go forth to change the world.

The best way to find ourselves, is to lose ourselves in the service of others. ~Gandhi

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