Are You Lying? It’s Time To Be Honest.

Have you ever done something that you knew you probably shouldn’t?

Maybe you’ve stayed in a dead end job for several years, but you told yourself that you were “looking” for other jobs by updating your LinkedIn, because it made you feel better.

It’s time to be honest, friend. Read on.


Honesty is telling yourself the truth and it starts with yourself. Truth allows you to apply that honesty to your life in a real way.


Honesty is so important because it’s not for anyone else but you. The first person we have to lie to about ourselves is ourselves.

The core of our Yoga Life Master Code is to be honest with ourselves about where we are now and about how that makes us feel.

That feeling of honesty will be the energy we can use to take our lives and ourselves to the next level if we let it.

So, the first two pillars of this code can click into place if you get the mindset right. Honesty and truth get down to the real experience of where we are now right and how it makes us feel so we can channel that energy to go in the direction we feel in our hearts that we want to go.

After that, it’s all about focus.


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