John Yax demonstrates how to use the block to build into press. You can use the block as three different levels to help you as you advance. Try this technique on your own and leave your feedback in the video comments. The Yax brothers, John and Chris, with Yax Yoga Concepts have developed a variety of […]
Chris Yax demonstrates how to get in to the first position of Zombie Press pose from table top (beginner), plank (intermediate) and fully prone (advanced). The key always is to press, seal, set and slide. The Yax brothers, John and Chris, with Yax Yoga Concepts have developed a variety of yoga tutorial videos aimed at […]
Sarah Yax with Yax Yoga Concepts demonstrates the proper positioning for Warrior Two in order to practice with good alignment and structure. The first step is ensuring that the knee is over the ankle and avoid being too deep in the posture so that the hip also does not drop lower than the knee. Yax […]
Chris Yax, with Yax Yoga Concepts demonstrates how to properly get into downward dog starting with child’s pose. The tutorial emphasizes keeping your spine straight and knees bent in order to accommodate your level of flexibility. Yax Yoga Concepts has a variety of tutorial videos aimed at breaking down the postures taught in its Vinyasa […]
Chris Yax, with Yax Yoga Concepts demonstrates how to Jump Up or Float Up from down dog with the aim to jump his feet forward between his hands. There is an emphasis on sealing the core, which means lifting the pelvic floor, pulling the pit of the abdomen in and up, and drawing the […]