

What’s Missing From Most Yoga Studios?

John Yax talks about what is missing from most contemporary yoga studios. Most yoga classes focus on just one aspect of yoga – asanas and postures – but there is much, much more to a yoga practice than poses! Find out what that is by watching this video.


Tension vs Compression in Forearms (Video)

John Yax talks about tension versus compression in forearms and how the ulna and radius bones play into this in certain poses. In poses such as forearm balance and even downward facing dog, the goal is to keep elbows and hands adjusted as needed to keep shoulders stable and not lose stability and structure when […]


Tension vs Compression in Warrior II Demonstration Video

Christopher Yax discusses tension versus compression in the body, demonstrated here in the Warrior II pose. When you practice yoga consistently and over a long period of time, you may reach the point of compression. This does not mean the pose ends, it means that your approach to the pose has to be adjusted for […]


Jump Through Yoga Demonstration – Part Two of Two (Video)

Christopher Yax continues the second part of this advanced pose breakdown. Christopher demonstrates how to jump through with bent knees (moving both fast and slow) and also how to jump through with straight legs (moving both fast and slow). The trick again is to get your hips up high and to use the muscles along […]


Jump Through Yoga Demonstration – Part One of Two (Video)

John Yax breaks down the beginning of the jump through. To get your feet to come through your hands, your hips have to first be high enough to give you that room. Start with doing donkey kicks to train your body to stack. After you’ve practiced stacking your body, work on creating moments of hang […]


New Workshop: Live a Life of Love, Love the Life You Live (Saturday 12/5)

How would you live your life if fear was not a factor? Join Laura Stevens (RYT 500) & Lindsey Wrable (RYT 500) to learn tools to use your fears as a compass for change and choose love in each moment of your life to live the life of your dreams! Workshop will also include group […]


Full Pick Up Yoga Demonstration Video

Building on last week’s “Pick Up Prep” video by Chris Yax, his brother John Yax demonstrates how to get your feet underneath you and slide through to a full pick up. The trick is to get your hips up, draw your heart and weight forward, and rock your feet through. Be sure to practice your […]


Pick Up Prep – Yoga Demonstration Video

Chris Yax demonstrates how to prepare for “the pick up.” The pick up pose is a challenging, more advanced pose used to transition from your seat into a downward dog through a chaturanga flow. Chris breaks down how to prepare for this pose, also known as a lolasana lift.  


Muscular and Organic Energy of Poses – Yoga Insight Video

John Yax discusses how poses are dynamic and living, meaning we have to be present in the moment to find the perfect balance of ease and effort. We must use both muscular energy to get stable and strong first, hugging into our midline, and then organic energy second, to explore the depth of a pose. […]


How to Use a Block for Press – Yoga Tutorial

John Yax demonstrates how to use the block to build into press. You can use the block as three different levels to help you as you advance. Try this technique on your own and leave your feedback in the video comments. The Yax brothers, John and Chris, with Yax Yoga Concepts have developed a variety of […]