Have you ever noticed that when you go through something really difficult, you come out on the other side, stronger, more patient, or with some kind of new wisdom? That’s how we learn our greatest lessons in life, through experiences. Often we want to go through life with sunshine, and rainbows, and a unicorn or […]
So picture this: I get home with our first newborn baby, Sebastian. All of a sudden life hits me like a brick. The reality of being a new parent came on full force, and all the exhausting side affects that come with it. I felt like I couldn’t keep up, or maybe I was an […]
Have you ever heard someone say “know your why”. What does that mean? In essence it means, know the reason you are doing something. Let’s take it a level deeper than that though. Is the reason you are doing something genuinely to make yourself happy, or is it something you are doing because you are […]
Today we are going to take this further and really talk about the key elements in creating the life you want, one of which is reverse engineering. You’ll hear me chat about this quite a bit in this video – so what is it!? Reverse engineering is all about taking your biggest vision, and breaking […]
Let’s talk about relationships. I know, this tends to be a heavy subject for a lot of people, but what if it didn’t have to be? What if your relationship with your friend, family or significant other was totally rockin’. Think about it for a second. What’s lacking, or what do you want more of? […]