

Do you feel you have a unique gift? #36

You are a gift and You are unique… We all have a special gift that gives us our purpose in life. We may not recognize it at an early age and often forget about it, and later in life, realize what our place is in our existence.    


Law of Attraction #35

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up? Is it, “today is going to be a great day!” or “not again…”? What we think primes our mind and makes us encounter things, events, experiences in line with that thinking. We’re like magnets that draw us to what we radiate. Have […]


The Open Secret…We Are Not Alone in Our Struggles #31

So picture this: I get home with our first newborn baby, Sebastian. All of a sudden life hits me like a brick. The reality of being a new parent came on full force, and all the exhausting side affects that come with it. I felt like I couldn’t keep up, or maybe I was an […]


How Getting What You Want makes You Unhappy #30

Have you ever heard someone say “know your why”. What does that mean? In essence it means, know the reason you are doing something. Let’s take it a level deeper than that though. Is the reason you are doing something genuinely to make yourself happy, or is it something you are doing because you are […]


Take Your Life Higher – Manifest the Life You Want 10x Faster #28

Sometimes manifesting is as simple as asking for help. Yep, you read that right. You see when we can combine our weaknesses with someone else’s strength, we can get to where we’re trying to go a lot faster, right? For example, let’s say we’d like to go to Disney World, but we’ve never been before. […]


Self Mastery Body, Mind, and Heart #27

Self mastery is something you have heard us talk about A LOT. Why? Well, because it is so important. Self mastery of the mind, body, and soul are the bedrock to your success, and happiness in life. Think about that for a second. That means that mastering these is step one then, because anything I […]